
Hi. I'm Wendy (Wendakai). I'm writing this health-oriented blog because I have colitis and celiac disease and am now on a gluten-free, vegan diet. I went kicking and screaming into that, I can tell you. I'm also at risk for Type 2 diabetes. Mom to an Aspie teen, wife to a working man and in my cronehood, I'm looking to stick around a bit yet and share what I learn with others. There are also other resources posted here for those seeking information on a healthier lifestyle, recipes, info and more. I hope you get something out of what's here. :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fettucine La Wendakai

I get the feeling that some people really shy away from brown rice pasta, but while I have had some "glumphy" experiences with rice pasta, I have had some good luck and yummy results with Rizopia Brown Rice pastas. I don't know where all this is available, but I can say that this company continues to tweek their product and I have had little trouble with it in the past several years.
I didn't really use the fettucine that much though, because it was a little gloppy in the past. But I had a yen for some fettucine lately and bought some new stuff. All I can say is that they've been busy in the Rizopia food test lab, because this package of fettucine was fine, light and cooked quickly. I discovered this last week when I cooked a bunch of it for both hubby and me. With mine, I made a dressing of garlic olive oil, gluten-free dijon mustard, my own dried tomatoes, a little sea salt, fresh ground pepper and some dried herbs. I also added black olives, finely chopped onion, celery, red pepper and little broccoli florets.

(With Hubby's share, I made up a package of Alfredo mix using alternative milk, with some chopped up Black Forest ham. He loved it.) But I have to be gluten-free vegan, hence the different expressions of a fettucine dinner. So, what you see here is about ... oooohhh.. up to 400 calories worth of brown rice fettucine, 100 or so of garlic olive oil dressing, and some veges. So perhaps between 500 and 600 calorie gluten-free, vegan pasta dinner. It was yum. :)

*Now I want to point out something here for folks who may not realize this: brown rice pasta is complex carbohydrates. This metabolizes in a slower, much healthier way than white rice, in any form. IN FACT, almost all WHITE FOOD is simple carbohydrates. This includes white rice, white wheat flour (white breads, rolls, pitas, etc.), white wheat pasta, etc. White food enters the blood stream as simple sugar. This causes a spike in blood sugar, as well as cheap energy. (But what goes up must come down. The energy spikes in the other direction shortly after.) A continual diet that includes white food will result in high blood sugar, as well as digestive problems. So anyone with blood sugar issues should avoid ALL white food. (Yes, alas, this includes potatoes, despite it's other nutritional value.) Complex carbohydrates: good, at least for most people. Simple carbs: bad. Yep. Sorry. But if you care about your health, avoid white food.


  1. I was just reading about hulls someplace though- about how the brown rice is actually worse if you have tooth issues, because in traditional diet, hulls are removed, and that somehow contributes to tooth and bone health. I'll have to find the article again- it floored me!

  2. Yeah, do, if you can. I don't have any dental challenges, so far. But it would be good to know what the problem is. :)
